Email us your Toelke bow photos you would like to share.
My whip shot straight and true! Thanks for this very fine bow!
Toekle Whip H.S., 48# @28
Easton camo hunter tipped with Ace broadhead. The shot was 18 yds.
Chad N
The bow you made me was the perfect companion on my goat hunt in AK. The takedown method is foolproof and masterfully done. It shoots where I point. Goat killed at 26 yds, quartering away, entry last rib, double lung, out other side and hit offside leg. He went about 30 yards and was dead on his feet. I’m still in shock. What an adventure.
Hey Dan,
Michael varady here. Connected with a buck this morning with my new whip just want to let you know i am absolutely loving it. Can’t talk this bow up enough.
Michael varady here. Connected with a buck this morning with my new whip just want to let you know i am absolutely loving it. Can’t talk this bow up enough.
Jason, with his Pika and their first Trad kill!
My cousin Mike LaCivita shot this nice Ohio buck with a 60" Toelke Whip. (He learned everything he knows about the best bows on the planet and how to tune arrows from me;)
Thought I’d send you this. The new whistler is shooting pretty good! 10 yard shot with a cedar arrow and STOS broad head. He ran 50 yards. Thank you for a great bow!
Jason Hooley with some 3D success!
Paul achieved a remarkable accomplishment with his Whistler, well done Paul!
Tyler took this trophy pronghorn with his 62" Whip, great work and great photo!
Jeff C with his spring Turkey, well done!
Some good work from Kenny with his "holy grail" Pika.
Shot with a 48lb 62in whip my favorite bow! Chad
John took this p&y(and b&c class) bear with his Whip, congrats!
Todd Gregory getting it done again with his Pika.
Calling in a coyote and taking it with a longbow is quite an achievement, Jess did it TWICE with his 58" Whistler last year!
Congratulations to Mario on a successful hunt!
Biggest Alabama deer so far for me. Taken with 44# Whip Hs. Thanks for making such awesome bows!!
This Pika belongs to my dad, luckily he doesn’t mind sharing with me! I’ve really enjoyed shooting this bow!
-Jessica Glasscock
Cliff with a great Whitetail!
60" whip H.S. 46# @ 28".
23 yds complete pass thru. Magnus 2 blade on gold tip 500 with 100 gr insert. 30 yd recovery.
Thank you for such an awesome bow..
Chad N.
Andy getting it done with his Troll!
7pt Fl buck with my 54" Pika, love the bow.
John LaCivita getting it done with his Pika!
Ben made a great shot on this nice Washington Mulie!
What an accomplishment, congrats!
Thanks for building my Pika! I have several bows and this has become my Holy grail. I am planning on a takedown twin in the not to distant future.
Kenny Shoemaker
Erich's Shiras moose he took with his Whip, congrats and well done!
This looks like a great adventure and a successful one. Congrats Steve, thank you for sharing!
This guy strolled passed on opening morning although he's not a monster he'll taste good .. this new Troll is amazing don't know if it's the heaviness of the Micarta and TD bolt systen making it quieter or the new string your running but neither him not I heard the bow I put a VPA behind his shoulder he took 3 steps stood their wondering what just happened and fell over right there . I truly believe these CNC traditional heads are just as effective as far as wood channels and quick expirations as the large expandables. He was down within 15 seconds of shot. And as far as the Troll guys I love the hell out of it short, quiet,fast and shoots where I'm looking.. let me know when you tool up for another run of them, want a back up. Thanks again, Tom.
John Lacivita showing what can be done with a Pika, he has been placing at many archery shoots as well as putting heavy arrows through game.
Keep up the awesome work John!
The Pika continues to shoot straight and pack a punch in NH. Thank you! Todd
Congratulations to Wayne on a great 170class mule deer with his Lynx(discontinued)
Richard Dozier--Custom Chinook--60"--57#@30". Nice 320 class bull at about 25 yds.--pass through. Great bow and I thank you for your craftsmanship. The bow has performed perfectly and has never been a problem, just the shooter...
Mr. Toelke this little pika and I are really getting on the same page. Thanks again to you and your son for building a great little shooter.

again managed to climb the podium, this time with a first place, your bow makes things easier, thanks Dan,
(marco shoots a Pika)
Thanks again for my Pika. Accounted for opening day success here in NH. Todd
Two shots two kills in two weeks with my new 54” 56@28 Pika takedown. Rodney Martin is tagged out in SC! I can shoot this thang!
my wife is keeping your bow brand high, took first price & overall at the Texas Hill Country shootout
wanted to send this pictures to you, she is in love with her Toelke whip
Kevin T. showing off an amazing season with his Whip!
Thanks for sharing and best of luck next season!
Here is the buck I shot November 11th in Alabama with my/your beautiful 45# Whip!
Thanks for making great bows!
Thanks for the great photo Jeff!
Next to last day of NH season had success again with my 57# Pika. Needless to point out the track was easy...
Thanks again!
Tom V. made it happen with his Troll!
absolutely love my Toelke Troll 43 #, harvested in Ohio,.
Lucked out on an 8 point tonight here in Missouri with the whip. Love that bow!
Brandon and a pig that met the Super-D!
David G. showing off some great shooting with his long Whip!
Mark and his great Toelke recurve harvest!
Todd G. and a great whitetail buck he took with his Pika!
Marlen's Pika and a nice big doe he took with it!
Ed Hamman sporting a first place trophy and his 66" Whip Classic!
1st place Tradbow class. MAC shoot. (Midwest Archery Championships) August 2018
James H with his Toelke harvest's, nice work!
Jeremy R. and a couple great trad trophies!
Todd with a big mature doe he took with his Pika!
Trey and nice cow elk he took with his Troll!
Dean T took a great bear and a top notch antelope!
Awesome job Dean!
Johnathan with just a few of his great Whip harvests from the past few years.
Keep it up and enjoy all that organic meat Johnathan!
Thought you might like to see this.
58" Whistler, 18 yds, primitive ground blind, 160 gr VPA. This bow is blood thirsty!!
Mike Storaasli
Mike Storaasli
Marco and his new Pika in Africa!
Tom S. Showing off a great season with his Classic Pika!
Awesome job Tom!!
One of our discontinued recurve designs still doing good work!
40yd Coyote, Thanks Asgeir and Dan for the photo!
Todd Z. With a Super-D Harvest
Great job Todd!
Todd G. with his Pika and his first traditional big game harvest
Tyler M.'s loaded pack after some Whip success!
Josh S. and a hog whitetail he took with his 60" 50# Chinook @ 19yards
Congratulations Josh!
Malichi Whipping a nice buck!
Not exactly customers but hey we kill stuff too!
Jared and Dan with Jared's early October Bull.
56" Pika 54#
Gold Tip Trad. Classic 400@30" with 150gr Stinger
My brother September 11 2017 north west Washington he wanted to say thanks for the great bow 57lbs 550 gr cedar Zwicky 2 blade complete pass through
Wayne with a great bear he Super-D'd!!
Couple nice pigs taken my Michael!
Mr Dan, took this boar with the Chinook I got recently. I love this little bow. Thanks again for making a fine bow.
Thanks Andy
Matthiew M. with a bull elk!
Congratulations to Michael S. who took this great Tom with a 52" Troll Recurve
Michael and a spring Gobbler he took with his Pika!!
Troy with a great Antelope!
Thanks for making some of the best bows I have ever shot. My TD whip harvested my best buck ever last weekend. He was estimated at well over #225. Your bows perform like no other. Happy hunting !!!
Marty with another great Sitka Blacktail!
Stephen's new Super-D and the nice buck he shot with it!
Well done and thanks for the picture!
Another nice Whitetail got Whipped!
Good job Jeff!
Dan today I was blessed with a beautiful buck. My classic whip performed flawless once again! Thought this guy was web site worthy, thanks again Love the bow even more now , Corey
Dan this is my 2nd deer I've whipped in Ohio this week with the bow you made I've put a great shot on each deer along with a pass through on both. I used the woodsman elite broad heads paired with the small diameter Easton axis traditionals . I'm a toelke fan through and through and hope to purchase another bow soon , thanks Corey
Hi Dan, just wanted to drop you a line from ohio, and let you know that the 46# whip you made me has already taken my 1st two does over last couple weeks.. Both clean pass throughs from a tree stand. One was a pieball with white feet which im making to hang my bow.. Ill be in touch for a recurve early next year. I'll send you a few pics. Steve
Hello Dan and Jared I got a nice doe today with my beautiful black and white ebony Lynx!! Axis 500 shaft and a 125 grain Magnus snuffer. Toelke Lynx 50@28. I want to thank you for making such great bows and the best customer ever!! You guys rock!
Bob with a buck he took with his pika!
Steffen with a Idaho buck he took with a Pika.
been a good year so far, my dad (Nyle Morgan) got his first ever traditional elk on September 2nd with a classic. 51@31 and 66" and the shot was 21 yards. she fell at 48 paces
a few days later I followed up with my first ever traditional harvest! small whitetail with the one piece you just built for me. 62" whip HS 48@28. shot was from 11 yards and fell at 33 paces
thanks for your great craftsmanship and outstanding design!!
Josh Morgan
Danny with his first trad. harvest, taken with a 64" Whip
Charles Carnahan With a Blacktail he Whipped!
Well Done
Congratulations to Harrold on his first archery turkey taken with a Whip!
Jeff Noble with his opening day buck he took with his whip!!
Dan, here is my first deer taken with a Toelke Lynx 52#. Thanks for making it possible!
Blacktail taken spot and stock Oregon.
Jeff Calavan
Hiko took this Hawaiian goat with a 54" TD Pika in what looks to be a hairy location!
Good job and great photo!
Hawaiian pig taken with a 54" TD Pika by Hiko
Dan, here is my first deer taken with a Toelke Lynx 52#. Thanks for making it possible!
Blacktail taken spot and stock Oregon.
Jeff Calavan
Hiko took this Hawaiian goat with a 54" TD Pika in what looks to be a hairy location!
Good job and great photo!
Hawaiian pig taken with a 54" TD Pika by Hiko
Tom Massaro with another great kill, A mature tom turkey taken with his Lynx Recurve!
Well done!
Tom Massaro and a great boar he took with his Lynx longbow! Good job Tom!
Hey Dan!
I knew this Lynx you built me and I where going to get along just fine. I just wanted to say thank you and show you that I've put my bow to good use. My first animal with the Lynx. A Mexico whitetail, and my personal best buck to date.Thanks again and Merry Christmas.
I had a little luck here in PA on Saturday morning, the last day of our gun season. I had seen this deer a few times over the past few months but he was pretty elusive. I caught him on his way back to his bed Saturday morning with a couple does. He gave me a 10 yard shot and I had a 10 yard recovery, a very quick end to a beautiful animal.
I shot this Black Bear in Canada back in 2012-complete pass thru!! Toelke Lynx recurve 55#@28" CX250 Heritage 150 gr Wensel Woodsman.
Joey Guerra
Todd Z with a Super-D Trophy
I couldn't call in the big buck bedding down the doe but this guy came in an hour later. 15 yard ground shot with my Toelke Super D, Easton FMJ with a 200 grain Abowyer Bonehead single bevel.
I wanted to send you a picture of my recent success with the Whip HS you made for me back in March. It was a 40 yard shot up hill, taken from the ground. This was my first public land deer here in Ohio. The buck came in cruising and caught me away from my natural blind when I went to movie a scent wick to another shooting lane. I kneeled down immediately and mouth bleated to stop him once he got into the only shooting lane I had. Once he stopped he looked around for the source of the bleat and didn’t move until the arrow hit him (double lung). Then he only walked off, which tells me he never heard the whisper quiet Whip! At first I thought I missed, but soon found my arrow 10 yards from where he was hit, and it was absolutely covered in blood. A short and easy to follow blood led to this…
Thanks for making such a great quality bow!
in Jesus through Mary,
Tom H
Hello Dan and Jared,
I bought a Whip from your inventory bows last November, and absolutely love it. I didn't have much time to hunt with it until this season. This past Wednesday, I shot my first deer in 2 years. I was able to put a good shot on a young buck at about 15 yards. I love how quiet this bow is, and the buck acted as if he didn't even know he was hit. Thank you for building such a great bow! Now, I am being tempted by your Pikas.
I bought a Whip from your inventory bows last November, and absolutely love it. I didn't have much time to hunt with it until this season. This past Wednesday, I shot my first deer in 2 years. I was able to put a good shot on a young buck at about 15 yards. I love how quiet this bow is, and the buck acted as if he didn't even know he was hit. Thank you for building such a great bow! Now, I am being tempted by your Pikas.
The Pika came thru Dan:) 42@28 56" full length 1916 with 165 GT Grizzly.
Got this fox squirrel with the 42 pound RD Whip. This bow is sure shoots smooth and fast. Was wearing my Toelke Coups cap for luck!
John L.
This may be the fastest we've seen a Whip put to work, Lane received his new whip and before the day was done had taken this big doe! Great job Lane!
We may not exactly be customers but we definitely shoot Toelke bows.
Jared and Dan Toelke with a limit of mountain grouse.
Dustin Foster used his new Super-D to take this stack of Rabbits!
Once again the Traditional Bowhunters of Montana was to thank you for the bow you Donated to us for our summer shoot, Eric T. of Butte won the bow and he put it to good use this season.
Hey Dan, the 42 pound whip you sent me this spring did a fine job! I used a beman mfx 600 50 gr insert and a 125 grizzly single bevel. I love this bow! It has really helped me develop my form and confidence. John LaCivita
Dan and Jared,
My buddy Colbert started shooting trad about 2 yrs ago. I got him a used Toelke Whip and he's a crack shot now.
This is a bbq sized pig he killed this morning....his first trad kill.
He loves his Whip!
Thanks for making a great product.
Mike Storaasli's Bull Elk
Just thought I would send a pic of this years bull using one of your whips as usual..
Used my 58# whip with 625 gr arrow and stos broadhead, double lung 70 yd. recovery.
Congratulations to Dans grandson Lincoln with his first elk!
Red Hartebeest
Duiker Doe
Wart hog
Laurent showing some great trophies he took in Namibia with his Lynx!
A couple Whip kill photos from Bryan Tucker. Well done Bryan!
Bob Anderson with a great Alaska Cinnamon black bear taken with a 64" SS.
Bryan Tucker's three day old Whip and a 200lb hog!
Good way to break in a new bow!
My son EJ stalked a rabbit last night and got within 20 yards then stapled it to the ground. He loves that Super D! Thanks."
Good job EJ, looks like the new super-D is a good fit!!
Love both this Lynx and the Whip HS! Both are 64" and killers for sure! These TX free range auodad didn't stand a chance.
Thanks for making a great product!
Justin Ammons-customer for life
Jeff Robins with a great Cat he took with his Lynx!
Kent G. with his a Whitetail he Whipped!
Marty Rinke with his T/D Whip and another nice Sitka Blacktail!
Clint Hayden and a nice buck taken with his Lynx Recurve!
Robert and a great trad. harvest with his Lynx Longbow!
Doug Campbell with a Ewe Bighorn. Keep up the good work Doug!
"I shot my first whitetail with a longbow today, a nice doe at 25yds. i used my 64" Whip, 53 @ 30 that you built for me in April 2014. My broadhead was a VPA 175 gr. 3 blade. I hunted in Manchester, Michigan." Todd Oldford
Idaho bowhunter Cheyenne McElderry with a fantastic bull he took with a Whip!
Congratulations Cheyenne, keep up the good work!
A big WELL DONE to a hard Montana hunter and good predator caller Jay Sheffield on taking what may be the first Montana Wolf taken in modern day with a traditional bow!!
Using a mouth call he coaxed this adult female in to 20 yards and made a great 28yard shot with his Whip longbow
Seth S. With a great tom he WHIPPED! His first traditional kill, Congratulations!
Bugsy with aussie fox, Thats a hard to get trophy with a trad bow! Good job!
Ruth M. with a Montana carp! well done!
Ed G. with his TD Whip and a great Quebec black bear!
Eastern wild turkey shot in Kentucky in April 2014 with a 2pc. takedown 60" 56#@28. Bow was built in 06 and still shoots like a new one, thanks for crafting a bow of such quality it could and should be handed down to the generations to come. Glenn Bennett |
David with a Texas pig taken with a Lynx recurve
Jose with a great Mexico Whitetail!
Laurent with a free range corsican ram in France which he took with his Lynx recurve!
Jose Gomez with another great trophy! A Texas Siika deer.
Duane Gopher and a Montana Bull taken with his Lynx

Jeff Lankford showing off a couple Whip harvests
Jose with his first Toelke bow, a
chinook, and a great Texas Whitetail!
Dean's first trad kill! A nice Montana mulie taken with a Whip
Steve with a great Ontario bull taken with a Lynx Longbow
Dan Blacksher with his first trad kill, 23yd shot with his Whip!
Congratulations to Trevor Knopp on his first trad harvest! A nice doe taken with his new Chinook recurve from 28 yards!
Todd Martin, STOS Broadheads, says: 50# Toelke whip, cedar with STOS. 31" free ranging aoudad.
Dan, I love my whips! Thanks

Christian's son Malachi with a beautiful 6x6 taken with a 62" whip, well done guys!!
Jud with his Toelke Whip kill, a 300lb WA bear!
Travis took this brute in Mississippi with a 46# Super D, Congrats on a super trophy!
Craig demonstrated a proper break in procedure for a new Whip, well done Craig!
"Doe taken this year with 58" Whip while hunting with my son." Rich Button
"here is a button buck roe deer from France killed with the lynx you made. Those are very elusive and are very difficult to hunt from the ground. Spot and stalked, 12 yards pelvic shot , arrow exited through left scapula, down in 80 yards (5 or 6 seconds run away)"
Regards, Nogues
Tom Brissee with two of the four deer he took with his Whip this year, what a great season! way to go!
Great hunt and a perfect shot, well done Chuck!
Michael Buska with a nice Quebec black bear he took with his 60" Curlew 48@28. Congrats Michael!
Marty Rinky with A couple great Kodiak Blacktail!
Rick Richard with a great Whitetail taken with a Toelke Lynx wearing 58" recurve limbs, Great work!
"I shot the Black Hawaiian Ram in Laredo, Texas with a CX 250 Heritage and a 125 gr. Magnus." Joey Guerra
"The Hog was shot later that season on our family ranch with CX 250 Heritage and a 150 gr.VPA Penetrator"Joey
"I shot this raccoon in the morning, and I missed at the doe right after that. I did manage to get her that evening though! Elite Arrows cedar shafts, 165 gr. Simmons Treeshark." Joey Guerra
"This is the first animal I killed with my Whip. I used Easton ACC 360 and a 125 gr. Magnus stinger"Joey Guerra
The buckle Dan Nigro received for winning the "Western states Triple Crown" with his Whip longbow
Jonathan Anderson holding a Mountain Grouse that he took with his whip longbow, great shooting!
Todd Zolkosky Wrote: 8 yard shot. Quartering away. Super D with VPA Penetrator 2 blade. Pass through.
Great job Todd!
Tim Golder With a beautiful Whitetail taken with his Lynx longbow, Great job Tim!
Customer John Kelly with his first trad harvest! Congratulations John
Been chasing these things hard for the last 10 or 12 days with no luck. The hot, dry, crunchy conditions make stalking real tough. I got close to the herd and just waited, a doe broke out and ran by me with this guy following a few seconds later. When he passed at like 8' and 40 mph I flung an arrow hitting him right in front of the shoulder angling back into his heart. Not a monster but I'm sure tickled to have him. Shooting my Toelke Whip, AD shafts and 160 Grizzly heads.
Customer Doug Campbell showing a great 2012 season! Congrats Doug! Thanks for the pictures
taken with a 52" Kestrel, Congrats on the great hunt!
Customer Jeff Lankford sent us these five pictures of his first "all trad" season!
He has been shooting the Whip for four years now and says it is his favorite bow.
Congrats on a great season Jeff!